Frequently asked questions about concrete floor repair…

Concrete floor repair falls under the broader context of concrete repair and therefore can be identified as a part of many sub categories.

Subfloor repair, or concrete foundation repair and descriptions such as sagging floor repair are some of the very few areas remedied with flooring repair products, an enormous part of the remedial concrete construction market. Repairing floor defects effectively requires knowledge of concrete and repair methods.

In practice, the facility manager tests repair materials on the job since the areas of repair are small and occur infrequently. Normally, when a product used for concrete floor repair performs satisfactorily over time, the same material continues to be used. The success of the concrete repair material is often related to the similarity of the repairs it is used for.

While concrete floor repair products will perform in small applications where the stresses between the area of repair and the parent concrete is satisfactory, in larger overlays the same repair material may not perform as expected.

At times this can be traced among other factors, to the coefficient of thermal expansion. Changes in temperature cause all materials to expand or contract. Generally speaking, repair materials that are Portland cement based will perform similarly to the coefficient of thermal expansion in concrete.

However, polymer repair products exhibit properties much greater than concrete. Polymers that are filled with aggregate exhibit much less coefficient of expansion, but still greater than concrete.

Because of this the repair material will attempt to shrink or expand greater than the concrete. The chemical bond of the repair material to the substrate is therefore very important.

The contractor utilizes other methods in large overlays such as saw cuts to minimize the buildup of stresses in the concrete slab.

When attempting to perform large concrete repairs and overlays it is always prudent to consult an experienced contractor.

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